Workout Wednesday – Min by Min
Welcome to another Workout Wednesday! With this workout you get programed rest, isn’t that great! You’re basically doing 7 rounds of the 4 movements, but you rest the remainder of each min after you complete the movement.
If you have any questions let me know.
50 burpees
2 easy rounds of:
10 goblet squats
10 DB strict presses
30 second plank on elbows
Run 200m
Dumbbell Workout
28 min EMOM:
Min 1: 16 DB snatches (8 each arm) at 50/35
Min 2: 6 picnic table get overs with 50/35 DBs
Min 3: 10 DB thrusters at 50/35’s
Min 4: 15 hollow rocks
Bodyweight Warm-Up
50 burpees (optional)
2 easy rounds of:
10 air squats
10 arm circles each direction
30 second plank on elbows
Run 200m
Adv Bodyweight
28 min EMOM (every min on the min):
Min 1: 15 tuck jumps
Min 2: 10 box/chair step overs at 24/20 inches
Min 3: 12 squat jumps
Min 4: 15 hollow rocks
Starter Bodyweight
20 min EMOM (every min on the min):
Min 1: 10 jump and reach for height & practice
Min 2: 10 box/chair step overs at 24/20 inches
Min 3: 10 squat jumps
Min 4: 10 hollow rocks
Performance Warm-Up
50 burpees
2 easy rounds of:
10 goblet squats
10 DB strict presses
30 second plank on elbows
Run 200m
Adv Performance
28 min EMOM:
Min 1: 16 DB snatches (8 each arm) at 50/35
Min 2: 10 box step overs with 50/35 DBs
Min 3: 12 DB thrusters at 50/35’s
Min 4: 12 toes to bar
28 min EMOM:
Min 1: 12 DB snatches (8 each arm) at 50/35
Min 2: 8 box step overs with 50/35 DBs
Min 3: 10 DB thrusters at 50/35’s
Min 4: 10 toes to bar