When we are talking about the best compact home gym equipment for small spaces, we have to go straight to small weight ideas.
Dumbbells for compact home gym
Dumbbells are compact enough to fit in any home gym, and we even keep the in our van.
You have a few different styles of dumbbells to choose from. At first glance it seems like an adjustable set of dumbbells would be the best for small spaces, but make sure you understand what you’re getting into.

After doing extensive research and testing most of the adjustable dumbbells on the market… We only have one that we can recommend for your home gym. The Rogue Fitness Loadable Dumbbells.
We found that all of the other adjustable dumbbells on the market are either one drop away from breaking, or so awkward they limit you from doing dynamic movements.
This is what we recommend for a compact home gym:
Rogue Fitness Loadable Dumbbells – $135 (for handles only)
Rogue Loadable Dumbbell Bumpers/Plates – $69-471 (per pair)
The great thing about the Rogue Fitness Loadable Dumbbells is they don’t take up a lot of space AND you can buy more Bumpers/Plates as you get stronger.
Exercise bands
The next piece of equipment for small spaces and home gym is exercise bands.
Exercise bands hardly take up any space, and an actually be much more effective than most people think at building muscle and burning fat.
When choosing the best compact home gym equipment for small spaces some high quality exercise bands definitely have to be on your list.
We have two types of exercise bands that we recommend.

The budget friendly, less effective, less durable bands from Amazon.com. The reason we even recommend these at all is because they are SO little money. And although they aren’t the best… You can probably get them delivered to you home gym tomorrow and get started on your fitness journey!
The next best exercise band is the Rogue Tube Band. These look virtually the same as the Amazon bands, but are a bit more durable and offer better resistance over the range of the band.
Our FAVORITE exercise bands are the Rogue Monster Bands. The Monster bands are circular bands that can be used in ways that will allow you to do large multi joint movements effectively. Which leads to faster improvements in strength, muscle, and fat loss.
Home gym workout program
No amount of perfect weights or bands will get you to any of your goals without an effective workout program. Fortunately, we have you covered, and have been writing (and doing) home gym workouts for 5+ years while living out of our RV.
Click here to test out our at-home workout program for free.

Home gym expansion
If you decide to turn your compact home gym into a full sized home gym… Checkout our At-Home Gym Buyers Guide that includes phases for different sized gyms and budgets.
If you have any questions please let us know!