For whoever needs/wants to hear the truth about how to get abs. Unfortunately the media and influencers need to be the most outrageous to get clicks, and the basics are all you need.
Here’s the truth about abs, for better or worse.
#1 Genetics (maybe not what you think…)
You must have the genetics for your abs to look separated (not ripped, separated). Most people have this, but some do not.
#2 You Need BIGGER Abs
You need to make them grow bigger so you can see them, and they are a bracing muscle. Meaning they get stimulated most when put under load for 8-12 reps (or the time equivalent). Like heavy deadlifts, squats, cleans, snatches, carries, or even weighted planks (60 seconds or less to failure), etc. Not crunches. Doing high rep crunches is the like doing long distance running and expecting to have big muscles. Why the media and influencers do them is mind boggling. Look at the science.
#3 Diet Needs to be DIALED

You need to eat in a way that keeps your body fat low enough to see your abs. We’ve found that starting at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat with the calories being based on your ideal weight in protein being the fastest way to achieve this. Example: Ideal body weight is 150 pounds… Daily protein grams is 150. Put this into your MyFitnessPal (or other app) and figure out that you should be eating 2000 calories, 200g carbs, 150g protein, and 66g fat each day. *This is found under the “settings/goals/calories, carbs, protein and fat goals. **I can setup these number for you if you need help. We are here for you!
#4 Fasting WORKS!
Fasting can jumpstart your fat loss and even your muscle gain. Which is why we do the Prolon Fasting Diet a few times a year. *There are also many more health benefits, but these are nice side effects :slightly_smiling_face: .
#5 We Aren’t All the Same
Everyone is different. So, you might need to workout more, or eat less carbs/fat than other people, OR eat MORE than other people (yes this happens). It’s all an experiment that I can help you with. The first and most important thing is to be consistent with doing your workouts 4-5 times a week and building from there.

I Had to WORK for Abs (HARD)
AND just in case you’re thinking it… No, I haven’t always had abs. I didn’t figure out what I personally needed until my late 20’s. So I have been in a place that was frustrating, doing a TON of crunches, and no abs. I’m just the type of person that keeps working on things until I figure it out. And I will tell you that there is no single right answer for all of us, but I can help you figure it out for yourself!
Abs and high performance don’t always mix. This means that for some people to feel and perform their best they might need to have a higher (non-abs showing) body fat level. BUT you need to feel this to know if it’s true.