This is actually what we eat (almost) every day! After spending years of figuring out what makes us feel great and look great, the below is what we’ve found to work outstanding for us!
We highly recommend that you do a food sensitivity test from a company like Everlywell. Emily and I have both found that we were highly sensitive to foods that we were eating daily. This can cause all kinds of inflammation, which is not going to help you reach any goals.
What We Eat – Breakfast

1 tablespoon olive oil
Big handful of super greens
4 organic farm fresh eggs
Cook down the greens in the olive oil, then add the eggs for a scramble.
3/4 cup organic oatmeal or other grainy cereal cooked in water.
- 1 cup organic mixed berries
- 1 organic banana (if working out that day)
- 1 cup farm fresh raw milk (if we can find it).
*I’ve been lactose intolerant for years, but it never was triggered when we went to Europe. After learning that it’s probably because of the US pasteurization process, I’ve been testing more raw and farm fresh organic milks, and found that I don’t have a reaction.
Variations of breakfast
- Sometimes we’ll get some high quality bacon, and I won’t add the olive oil on bacon days.
5g Perfect Amino Powder (1 scoop)
* Allergic to eggs of all kinds.
- 1/2 cup organic oatmeal or other grainy cereal cooked in water.
- 1 cup organic mixed berries
- 1 organic banana (if working out that day)
- 1 cup farm fresh raw milk (if we can find it).
Variations of breakfast
- High quality bacon with organic super greens.

What We Eat – Pre/Post Workout
- 1-2 scoops of Body Health Perfect Aminos (could also be 5-10 Perfect Amino pills).
*Pre or post workout depending on timing of the workout and breakfast. - 1-2 organic bananas
About an hour after workout (Joe/Emily)

- 2 slices organic sourdough bread ONLY with minimal ingredients (no oils, no sugars, no preservatives)
- 4-5 slices organic preservative free lunch meat
- 1 slice cheese of the day
- 1 tablespoon’ish Primal Kitchen mayo
- Sprouts or super greens
Variations of breakfast
- 2 scoops Garden of Life Vegan Sport protein OR 1.5 scoops Garden of Life Meal protein
- 1 cup muesli (if we can find a good one with low sugar and NO vegetable oils)
- 1 cup milk (see above)
What We Eat – Dinner (Emily/Joe)
We choose from 3 or 4 different combinations of meals for dinner that include some form of the following:
- 6 ounces organic ground beef, chicken, turkey or salmon
- 1 cup rice OR 6-8 ounce sweet potato
- Large salad of mixed greens OR broccoli OR Brussels sprouts OR other greens (organic always)
- 2 tablespoons Primal Kitchen ranch or buffalo ranch OR olive oil and balsamic

Other Snacks
Having snacks around is super important, but they ALL need to be healthy. And I mean, actually healthy, and not just a package that says healthy.
- Mary’s Crackers (FANTASTIC SNACK – if they fit your macros)
- Hummus (we will ONLY eat hummus that doesn’t have vegetable oils, which can be hard to find)
- Rice cakes
- Butter – Usually Kerrygold
- Fruit – apples, blueberries, cherries, oranges, mangos, etc…
*Seasonal is best. - Lesser Evil Puffs (these have good oils)
- Mixed nuts
- High quality jerky
- Yogurt (ZERO added sugar only)
- Barnana Chips (these are HIGH calorie so be careful with them)
*We only eat these on HIGH activity days. - Perfect Bars
- Dark chocolate

We always eat protein when eating anything (including snacking)! The only variation to this rule is in the middle of a hard physical effort (long ride, run, race, CrossFit competition, etc.).
Cheat Days
We try to have 1-2 meals a week where we find a delicious looking restaurant and forget about our usual eating habits.
If we are training hard for something or eating a calorie restricted version of this nutrition plan… we will have a whole day of eating off the rails. This is really helpful for keeping a high metabolism.
Our cheat meals are usually pizza (high quality only – no garbage pizza here), burgers, POKE, Indian food, or a delicious looking breakfast place!

Cooking Tools
We use a stovetop in our van with:
Things we WILL NOT EAT
Seed/Vegetable oils – These are in everything and they cause tons of inflammation in your body. They will cause you to gain body fat and massive amounts of brain fog! They are unavoidable when eating at restaurants, so don’t eat them at other times. We even stopped eating at Chipotle because of this.
Sugars when we don’t want them – High quality sugar is actually great when your body needs it, but at other times it’s like telling your body you want more body fat as fast as possible. If we can, we stick to honey for sugar.
Things that turn into sugar easily – Think white breads, watermelon, highly processed low quality snacks (a lot of times these have vegetable oils or sugar, so they get eliminated already).
Anything coffee from a coffee shop that isn’t black coffee!! If we want milk, cream, protein, etc. we add our own. It will have one of the above in it.
***We ALWAYS buy organic when possible in the US. Pesticides are a real thing that really mess up our bodies***
Feel free to ask any questions that you might have about why we do what we do, or the timing of things.