Workout of the Week – 3 for 3
We are batting 1000% today for movements that will improve your fitness and health. Watch the coaching video, make sure you’re super warmed up and clearly understand the movements, and GET AFTER IT!!!! Be the you that you want to become today!! You know what I mean.
If you have any questions about the movements… let us know!
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25 burpees
2 easy rounds of:
150m run
10 walking lunges
10 push-ups
Workout of the Week – 3 for 3
5 rounds for time of:
20 DB walking lunges
Run 150m
20 push-ups on DB handles
Run 150m
The RX is 50/35 pound DB’s but you should pick a weight that you can do at least the first two sets of lunges unbroken.
FYI: The bodyweight workouts are NOT watered down versions of the DB workout. You try one and let me know how easy it was.
Bodyweight Warm-Up
25 burpees
2 easy rounds of:
150m run
10 walking lunges
10 push-ups
Adv Bodyweight
5 rounds for time of:
20 jumping lunges
Run 150m
20 push-ups
Run 150m
Starter Bodyweight
3 rounds for time of:
20 walking lunges
Run 150m
10 push-ups on knees or toes
Run 150m
If you have any questions about the workout or movements… we are happy to help out. Just write them down in the comments section below.
We’d also love to hear if you did the workout by having you comment below. Your doing the workouts fuels us to keep publishing them.
Don’t miss the chance to get our 2-week trial on the house. That means totally free from us to you!
Written by Joe Bauer of allaroundjoe
Look forward to trying this!
Nice! Let us know how it goes.