Workout of the Week – Karen Arnold
Let’s get together today (online of course) to celebrate Karen Arnold’s life with a fun workout and a cupcake! Work hard, have fun, and focus on being grateful for what we have.
If you have any questions about the movements… let us know!
Wall sits
500m row/400m jog
20 arm circles forward and backward
20 air squats
10 burpees
20 goblet squat
10 burpees
500m row/400m jog
Practice goblet squats
Workout of the Week
“Karen Arnold”
150 Goblet Squats for time with 5 Burpees on the minute.
*Use a kettlebell or dumbbell held in the goblet fashion.
**Start the 1st min with 5 burpees.
RX is 100/70 KB, but you should pick a weight that you can do around 20 reps with then fresh.
After the WOD you eat a cupcake.
FYI: The bodyweight workouts are NOT watered down versions of the DB workout. You try one and let me know how easy it was.
Bodyweight Warm-Up
Wall sits
400m jog
20 arm circles forward and backward
20 air squats
10 burpees
20 squat jumps
10 burpees
Adv Bodyweight
“Bodyweight Karen Arnold”
150 Squat jumps for time with 5 Burpees on the minute.
*Start the 1st min with 5 burpees.
After the WOD you eat a cupcake.
Starter Bodyweight
“Bodyweight Karen Arnold”
100 Squats for time with 3 Burpees on the minute.
*Start the 1st min with 5 burpees.
After the WOD you eat a cupcake.
Get your FREE week of the whole Get Better Project by clicking here, and have a full month of our program on the house!
Thank you so much for remembering Karen for us. She was a shining light to many CrossFitters up here in Alaska. She will be missed.
Jim & Joyce
Joe, Karen was my best friend. Thank you for making this your workout of the day. When she wished someone Happy Birthday, she would also say lift something heavy & eat cake. For her & I, we celebrated with a glass of wine.
Hi Lisa, thank you for the message. I’m sorry for the loss. And love the “lift something heavy & eat cake”. That’s great and sounds like we would have been friends. 🙂