Looking for a harder workout… here’s Workout Wednesday present by The Get Better Project!⠀
5 mins on air bike
3 easy rounds of:
20 arm circles forward and backwards
10 goblet squats with 2 second pause at bottom
5 strict pull-ups
17 min AMRAP of:⠀
7 thrusters at 135/95⠀
14 alt pistol squats⠀
20m overhead walking lunges⠀
400m run⠀
17 min AMRAP of:⠀
7 thrusters at 95/65⠀
14 alt pistol squats to box⠀
20m overhead walking lunges⠀
400m run⠀
17 min AMRAP of:⠀
7 strict handstand push-ups⠀
14 pistol squats⠀
20m walking lunges⠀
400m run⠀
Let me know if you have any questions.