Workout Wednesday is here, and we are calling this one The Minute Monster! Ahhhh!!!! Brought to you by The Get Better Project!
RX Warm-up
5 easy rounds of:
5 strict pull-ups
7 goblet squats with 2 second pause at bottom
9 push-ups
20 arm circles forward and backward
RX (aka – you’re a badass)
15 min EMOM (every min on the min):
Min 1: 12 chest to bar pull-ups
Min 2: 18 Wall balls at 20/14
Min 3: 15 ring dips
Scaled Warm-up
5 easy rounds of:
7 slow squats with 2 second pause at bottom
9 push-ups
11 hollow rocks
20 arm circles forward and backward
15 min EMOM (every min on the min):
Min 1: 12 banded bent over pulls OR burpees
Min 2: 15 v-ups
Min 3: 15 box dips
If you’re ready to join… ask me how!