In the U.S., we are too fat and too diseased. This isn’t speculation—it’s fact. We’re consuming excessive amounts of low-quality, highly processed, and outright poisoned foods, which lead to diseases we shouldn’t have.
The core issue is that we keep buying these low-quality, toxin-laden products. And as long as we’re buying, the cycle continues.
Our food doesn’t have to be poisoned. But right now, there’s too much profit being made for companies to stop using harmful chemicals.
For example, I’m currently driving through beautiful southern Colombia, watching farm workers spray toxins on crops. And they’re not even wearing masks. This isn’t just harmful to us as consumers—it’s endangering the very people growing the food.
It’s a vicious cycle that benefits only those raking in massive profits by selling poisoned foods, while they use their wealth to buy the highest-quality, chemical-free options for themselves.
The Real Solution
We need to cut off the money flow to these poisoned foods. If there’s no financial incentive to sell food laced with glyphosate, herbicides, and pesticides, the system will be forced to change. Farmers will have no choice but to return to organic, chemical-free practices.
This shift would be a massive win for the U.S.—and the world. Here’s why:
• Eating organic costs more: People will naturally buy less food overall.
• Eating less means lower body fat: When you eat less, your caloric intake decreases, leading to healthier body weight.
• Healthier weight and organic foods mean fewer diseases: You’ll feel better, look better, and spend far less on healthcare.
This change would also pressure farmers to stop feeding toxic foods to livestock, creating healthier meat, dairy, and eggs. It’s a domino effect of health and sustainability.

The Other Loser: The Healthcare System
The U.S. healthcare system thrives on keeping people sick, overweight, and dependent on medication.
If you think your doctor prescribing drugs for lifestyle-related health conditions is truly helping you, think again.
Doctors should only turn to medication after identifying root causes and helping you make necessary lifestyle changes. But instead, many are pushed by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe drugs that treat symptoms, not causes.
Let’s be clear: If you’re taking medication for a lifestyle-based condition like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, digestive issues, or skin conditions, you are not healthy. You’re masking the problem with drugs instead of addressing the real issue—your lifestyle.
It All Starts with Food
Most of our health problems stem from poisoned, low-nutrient foods. If we demand high-quality, toxin-free options, we’ll force the system to prioritize nutrition over profit. The result? Less fat, fewer diseases, more happiness, and lower healthcare costs.
But for this to work, we need accountability. Food companies should be required to disclose when products are made with harmful, cancer-causing chemicals. Imagine if labels clearly stated:
This product was produced with toxic chemicals known to cause cancer. Eat at your own risk.
Fear is a powerful motivator, and sometimes it’s what we need to drive real change.
Will You Join Us?
We’ve made the commitment to buy only organic foods and to spread the word. Will you help us? Together, we can reshape our food systems, reclaim our health, and build a better, healthier world.
Let’s change the world for the better!